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Noah’s Flood of 2348 BC

The Biblical Timeline Confirmed by Secular History, Ancient Calendars and Modern Science

The Biblical date for Noah’s Flood is generally given as 2348 BC. A date that corresponds to the most widely accepted Genesis timeline established by Bishop Ussher, who set the birth of Adam at 4004 BC. Now despite the embellished Biblical account of the incident, the catastrophe most definitely happened. Indeed, a combination of both scientific evidence and secular historical records (primarily from ancient China) readily confirm this. It is quite simply undeniable that the planet suffered immense global geophysical upheaval circa 2350 BC.

Herein one may consider some of the most compelling physical-historical evidence of disaster. A prelude to some of the more esoteric aspects surrounding Noah’s Flood.

The Physical Evidence of Noah’s Flood

Turkey & Syria

Consider Lake Van in eastern Turkey. A detailed study of its sedimentary layers have allowed for the reconstruction of much of the Earth’s climate history, even going back many thousands of years. Lemcke and Sturm (1994) in particular uncovered an oxygen isotope record from Lake Van that indicated a pronounced dry spell circa. 2350-2075 BC.

Further to this, in nearby Syria, tests on various late Third millennium BC archaeological deposits also revealed anomalous findings. Specifically, an unusual black layer of crystallised rock dated to 2350 BC – yet another good match to the Biblical date of Noah’s Flood. Moreover, the character of the layer was thought by the researchers to have been abruptly caused by some sort of air blast. Indeed, they made a careful effort to rule out the notion that the black layer was the result of fallout from a terrestrial volcanic explosion.

The only remaining alternative would seem to be material from space exploding in the atmosphere. Too controversial an explanation however for the cautious academics Lemcke and Sturm. Who concluded their research paper on the matter with, “[The] origin of this mysterious phenomena still remains unsolved."


In 1988 a study of the tree rings in Irish Oaks found that the narrowest-ring events appeared to line up with large acidities in the Greenland ice records. One of three notable events corresponded to a date of 2345 BC

Further to this, in the book “Secrets of the Irish Landscape,” yet more details are given. According to the best estimate, between 2354 and 2345 BC, the Irish Oaks in question completely stopped growing. And that the bark changes indicated that this was the result of them being submerged in water.


In addition to the above, confirmation of earthbound disaster circa 2350 BC can also be had from China. According to surviving historical records from this ancient period, during the 12th year of the reign of the first Emperor Yao, huge floods overtopped the mountains. Coming to the throne in 2357 BC, the floods began in China in 2346 BC.

Now though there is no talk of total global submersion as per the Bible account –hence the obvious Genesis embellishment of Noah’s flood – the Chinese records do speak broadly of huge floods sweeping the land. Accounts indicating that they lasted for some 9 years before things apparently settled.

Mayan Calendrical Foreknowledge of Noah’s Flood 

In the previous essay in this series on World Age Cycles, both the Long Count and the Calendar Round systems were introduced, the key cycles of which are restated here as follows, in numbers of days:

The Long Count    

Baktun = 144000    
Katun = 7200    
Tun = 360    
Uinal = 20    
Kin = 1    

  Calendar Round

  Haab = 365
  Tzolkin = 260

  1 Complete Round
  = 18980

Now though these two systems were almost exclusively concerned with targeting the previously noted destructive alignment (Mars-Venus-Sun-Mercury-Galactic Centre + Sun-Earth-Pleiades), a great many others also exist to cause the Earth significant destruction. Noah’s flood itself being just one example.

In order to deal with these additional alignments, supplementary time cycles were thus devised. Arguably the most important being the 819-day Mayan cycle.

The 819-day Calendar Cycle

Now as with both the Long Count and the Calendar Round, clear evidence that the indigenous tribes of the Americas made use of an 819-day time cycle comes from surviving stone monuments. An 819-day count clearly recorded on select stele at various ruined Mayan sites. In this case, “Each group of 819 days was associated with one of four colours and the cardinal direction with which it was associated – black corresponded to west, red to east, white to north and yellow to south. [1]”

Despite revealing its existence however – even many decades ago – as of the present the 819-day calendar cycle remains an enduring mystery to modern day scholars. Even more so perhaps to the modern day descendants of the Maya themselves, who most tragically of all, long since appear to have lost the great and profound knowledge of their very ancient ancestors.

That being said, evidence that those ancestors did actively employ an 819-day time cycle in some capacity is undeniable.

A Solution to the Mystery

Here it is then, that this present author believes that he has finally cracked the mystery behind the 819-day cycle. That it was a time unit carefully selected to target additional destructive alignments, over and above the core pattern as already identified.

Moreover, that the Maya of extreme antiquity actually used it to target Noah’s Flood. Or more accurately, the special planetary alignment that directly triggered it. The evidence for this resting upon a powerful and exceptionally elegant mathematical association.

Targeting Noah’s Flood: 2348 BC

So how exactly did the ancient Maya target the celestial alignment that triggered the Great Flood of Noah? They did it by anchoring an 819-day calendar count upon the critical day of the core destructive alignment of 2 October 3153 BC:

As already detailed in the previous essay, both the Long Count and the Calendar Round were configured to map time with respect to instances of the above alignment, which indeed are repeated in a highly predictable sequence, essentially in near perpetuity.

Consequently, this particular celestial configuration was recognised by the ancients as being the most important; constituting a most convenient framework upon which to anchor a variety of additional calendar cycles, thereby targeting yet additional destructive alignments also of great significance.

In this regard then, the Maya of deep antiquity directly made use of the above alignment as an anchor point for the 819-day cycle, achieving an incredibly harmonious synchronisation with the celestial alignment that triggered Noah’s Flood, as correctly dated to 2348 BC, per the Biblical timeline.

The Method:

From the core alignment date: 2 October 3153 BC (570065 JD)

Without any special initial adjustment, the Maya simply began counting units of 819 days immediately following the alignment. In this case, quite remarkably, the total number of cycles counted was one less that a ‘perfect’ 360:

Number of cycles to be counted = 360 – 1 = 359

359 × 819 = 294021 days

From: 2 October 3153 BC (570065 JD)   

+ 294021 days =

27 September 2348 BC (864086 JD)

Arriving at this precise date, a most extraordinary conjunction pattern presents itself:

List of Aligned Planets:


NB: The accuracy of each alignment is such that they deviate from optimum on the order of mere hours in terms of adjustment, and not days.

Below: Consider the four body alignment (Jupiter-Venus-Mercury-Earth ) in more detail, as viewed from the centre of Jupiter. Note that the alignment is only 2.5 degrees from The Pleiades. Also note that, quite remarkably, Halley's Comet is present, only some 2 days from Perihelion.

Herein, one thus contends that with the planets so arranged, the solar system abruptly entered into an extreme state of resonant agitation, producing all manner of exotic effects, as detailed in the previous essays in this series.

Now with respect to the Earth itself, immense geophysical stress was a major outcome of the celestial pattern. The disruption to the planet’s tectonic plates being so extreme that large areas of the globe suffered massive inundation from the jostling oceans. Hence, The Great Flood.

Of course it goes without saying that the name of Noah was unknown to the indigenous peoples of the ancient Americas. Be that as it may, the global catastrophe associated with this name was one that they appear to have known about. The elegant relations hereby detailed being highly suggestive of this fact: A precise count of 359 cycles of 819 days from 2 October 3153 BC to arrive at the exact date of the flood alignment: 27 September 2348 BC.

Multiple Calendars Running in Parallel

Given the above relations, one can thus see something of the intricate genius at work with respect to the ancient people of the Americas. They essentially were well aware of multiple special alignments able to cause earthbound catastrophe, and had several key calendar systems/cycles capable of targeting them. Even running many systems in parallel, all designed to target a variety of global disasters (via alignments) stretching far into the future.



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